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News & Tweets

The "Twittorial" for our latest inner ear paper is up in the Twittersphere. Check it out.
Congratulation to Roie Cohen, Shahar Taiber and Olga Loza for publishing their paper at Science Advances and getting a lot of publicity including a short PNAS article and a Focus article!
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add2157
Focus: 10.1126/sciadv.adg866
PMAS article:

Our collaborative work with the Luca lab is out in Nature Communications! Congratulations Yathreb Easa for being a co-author.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36435-x
Congratulation to Oren Gozlan for publishing his "Development at a glance" review article!

Congratulation to Shahar Kasirer for giving a talk in the ARO meeting.

Learning how to become professional Confiseurs.

Training for the next Master Chef competition.
Italian cooking class for the lab.


Congratulation to Bassma Khamaisi for finishing her PhD and for publishing her paper at ACS Synthetic Biology!
Congratulation to Shahar Taiber for finishing his PhD and publishing his paper at Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!

Congratulation to Roie Cohen for finishing his PhD.
Congratulation to Udi Binshtok for finishing his PhD.
Good luck to him in his postdoc position at Cal-Tech.

Featured in Zeiss blog
A nice short article presenting our latest finding in the inner ear project. Read article here:
A feature in i24-channel
A nice feature in i24news channel on our work on how mechanical forces driving patterning of hair cells in the inner ear. For the french speaking crowd!
See latest tweets and follow us
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