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Shahar Kasirer, David Sprinzak
Interplay between Notch signaling and mechanical forces during developmental patterning processes.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2024 Dec 01. doi:​
Ruili Cao, Oren Gozlan, Alina Airich, Lena Tveriakhina, Haixia Zhou, Hanjie Jiang, Philip A Cole, Jon C Aster, Thomas Klein, David Sprinzak, Stephen C Blacklow
Structural requirements for activity of Mind bomb1 in Notch signaling.
Structure 2024 Oct 03. doi:​
Alina Airich, Oren Gozlan, Ekaterina Seib, Lena-Sophie Wilschrey, Gittel Leah Shaingarten, David Sprinzak, Thomas Klein
Neuralized-like proteins differentially activate Notch ligands.
BioRxiv 2024 Sep 21. doi:​
Yathreb Easa, Olga Loza, Roie Cohen, David Sprinzak
The Fat4 intracellular domain controls turnover of Fat4/Dchs1 planar polarity membrane complexes.
BioRxiv 2024 May 30. doi:​
Anna Bigas, David Sprinzak
Local cellular interactions: From signaling to mechanics across development, evolution, and disease.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2024 Jan 12. doi:​
Idit Tessler, Juliette Albuisson, Rebeca Piñeiro-Sabarís, Aline Verstraeten, Hatem Elif Kamber Kaya, Marcos Siguero-Álvarez, Guillaume Goudot, Donal MacGrogan, Ilse Luyckx, Shoshana Shpitzen, Galina Levin, Guy Kelman, Noga Reshef, Hugo Mananet, Jake Holdcraft, Jochen D Muehlschlegel, Gina M Peloso, Olya Oppenheim, Charles Cheng, Jean-Michael Mazzella, Gregor Andelfinger, Seema Mital, Per Eriksson, Clarisse Billon, Mahyar Heydarpour, Harry C Dietz, Xavier Jeunemaitre, Eran Leitersdorf, David Sprinzak, Stephen C Blacklow, Simon C Body, Shai Carmi, Bart Loeys, José Luis de la Pompa, Dan Gilon, Emmanuel Messas, Ronen Durst
Novel association of the NOTCH pathway regulator MIB1 gene with the development of bicuspid aortic valve.
JAMA Cardiology. 2023 Jul 5. doi:
Jacqueline Taylor, Leonie Uhl, Iris Moll, Sana Safatul Hasan, Lena Wiedmann, Jakob Morgenstern, Benedetto Daniele Giaimo, Tobias Friedrich, Elisenda Alsina-Sanchis, Francesca De Angelis Rigotti, Ronja Mülfarth, Sarah Kaltenbach, Darius Schenk, Felix Nickel, Thomas Fleming, David Sprinzak, Carolin Mogler, Thomas Korff, Adrian T Billeter, Beat P Müller-Stich, Mauricio Berriel Diaz, Tilman Borggrefe, Stephan Herzig, Maria Rohm, Juan Rodriguez-Vita, Andreas Fischer
Endothelial Notch1 signaling in white adipose tissue promotes cancer cachexia.
Nature Cancer. 2023 Sep 25. doi:​
Tobias Troost, Udi Binshtok, David Sprinzak, Thomas Klein
Cis-inhibition suppresses basal Notch signalling during sensory organ precursor selection.
PNAS. 2023 May 30. doi:
Sushmita Chatterjee, Gonna Somu Naidu, Inbal Hazan-Halevy, Hanna Grobe, Assaf Ezra, Preeti Sharma, Meir Goldsmith, Srinivas Ramishetti, David Sprinzak, Ronen Zaidel-Bar, Dan Peer
Therapeutic gene silencing of CKAP5 leads to lethality in genetically unstable cancer cells.
Science Advances. 2023 Apr 05. doi: DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ade4800
Roie Cohen, Shahar Taiber, Olga Loza, Shahar Kasirer, Shiran Woland, David Sprinzak
Precise alternating cellular pattern in the inner ear by coordinated hopping intercalations and delaminations.
Science Advances. 2023 Feb 22. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.add2157
Elliot Medina, Yathreb Easa, Daniel K Lester, Eric K Lau, David Sprinzak, Vincent C Luca
Structure of the planar cell polarity cadherins Fat4 and Dachsous1.
Nature communications. 2023 Feb 16. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36435-x
Oren Gozlan, David Sprinzak
Notch signaling in development and homeostasis.
Development. 2023 Feb 16. doi:
Maibritt Kretschmer, Rose Mamistvalov, David Sprinzak, Angelika M Vollmar, Stefan Zahler
Matrix stiffness regulates Notch signaling activity in endothelial cells.
Journal of Cell Science. 2023 Jan 15. doi:
Shahar Taiber, Oren Gozlan, Roie Cohen, Leonardo R Andrade, Ellen F Gregory, Daniel A Starr, Yehu Moran, Rebecca Hipp, Matthew W Kelley, Uri Manor, David Sprinzak, Karen B Avraham
A Nesprin-4/kinesin-1 cargo model for nuclear positioning in cochlear outer hair cells.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022 Sep 23. doi:
Bassma Khamaisi, Vincent C Luca, Stephen C Blacklow, David Sprinzak
Functional Comparison between Endogenous and Synthetic Notch Systems.
ACS Synthetic Biology. 2022 Sep 15. doi:
Yi Kuang, Anna Pyo, Natanel Eafergan, Brittany Cain, Lisa M Gutzwiller, Ofri Axelrod, Ellen K Gagliani, Matthew T Weirauch, Raphael Kopan, Rhett A Kovall, David Sprinzak, Brian Gebelein
Enhancers with cooperative Notch binding sites are more resistant to regulation by the Hairless co-repressor.
PLoS Genet.. 2021 Sep 24. doi:
Nicolas Dray, Laure Mancini, Udi Binshtok, Felix Cheysson, Willy Supatto, Pierre Mahou, Sébastien Bedu, Sara Ortica, Emmanuel Than-Trong, Monika Krecsmarik, Sébastien Herbert, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Jean-Yves Tinevez, Gabriel Lang, Emmanuel Beaurepaire, David Sprinzak, Laure Bally-Cuif
Dynamic spatiotemporal coordination of neural stem cell fate decisions occurs through local feedback in the adult vertebrate brain.
Cell Stem Cell, 2021 Aug 5. doi:
Pierre François Lenne, Ed Munro, Idse Heemskerk, Aryeh Warmflash, Laura Bocanegra-Moreno, Kasumi Kishi, Anna Kicheva, Yuchen Long, Antoine Fruleux, Arezki Boudaoud, Timothy E Saunders, Paolo Caldarelli, Arthur Michaut, Jerome Gros, Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Kinneret Keren, Edouard Hannezo, Zev J Gartner, Benjamin Stormo Stormo, Amy Gladfelter Gladfelter, Alan Rodrigues, Amy Shyer, Nicolas Minc, Jean-Léon Maître, Stefano Di Talia, Bassma Khamaisi, David Sprinzak, Sham Tlili
Roadmap on multiscale coupling of biochemical and mechanical signals during development.
Phys Biol. 2021 Apr 14. doi: 10.1088/1478-3975/abd0db
Shahar Taiber, Roie Cohen, Ofer Yizhar-Barnea, David Sprinzak, Jeffrey R Holt, Karen B Avraham
Neonatal AAV gene therapy rescues hearing in a mouse model of SYNE4 deafness.
EMBO Mol Med. 2021 Feb 5;13(2):e13259. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202013259.
David Sprinzak, Stephen C Blacklow
Biophysics of Notch Signaling
Annu Rev Biophys. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1146/annurev-biophys-101920-082204.
Francis M Kobia, Kristina Preusse, Quanhui Dai, Nicholas Weaver, Matthew R Hass, Praneet Chaturvedi, Sarah J Stein, Warren S Pear, Zhenyu Yuan, Rhett A Kovall, Yi Kuang, Natanel Eafergen, David Sprinzak, Brian Gebelein, Eric W Brunskill, Raphael Kopan
Notch dimerization and gene dosage are important for normal heart development, intestinal stem cell maintenance, and splenic marginal zone B-cell homeostasis during mite infestation.
PLoS Biol. 2020 Oct 5;18(10):e3000850. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000850
Yi Kuang, Ohad Golan, Kristina Preusse, Brittany Cain, Collin J Christensen, Joseph Salomone, Ian Campbell, FearGod V Okwubido-Williams, Matthew R Hass, Zhenyu Yuan, Nathanel Eafergan, Kenneth H Moberg, Rhett A Kovall, Raphael Kopan, David Sprinzak, Brian Gebelein
Enhancer architecture sensitizes cell specific responses to Notch gene dose via a bind and discard mechanism.
Elife. 2020 Apr 16;9:e53659. doi: 10.7554/eLife.53659.
Asaf Liberman, Matan Mussel, Danny Kario, David Sprinzak, Uri Nevo
Modelling cell surface dynamics and cell-cell interactions using Cell Studio: a three-dimensional visualization tool based on gaming technology
J R Soc Interface 2019 Nov 29;16(160):20190264. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2019.0264
Cristina Porcheri, Ohad Golan, Fernando J Calero-Nieto, Roshana Thambyrajah, Cristina Ruiz-Herguido, Xiaonan Wang, Francesca Catto, Yolanda Guillén, Roshani Sinha, Jessica González, Sarah J Kinston, Samanta A Mariani, Antonio Maglitto, Chris S Vink, Elaine Dzierzak, Pierre Charbord, Bertie Göttgens, Lluis Espinosa, David Sprinzak, Anna Bigas
Notch ligand Dll4 impairs cell recruitment to aortic clusters and limits blood stem cell generation
EMBO J. 2020 Apr 15;39(8):e104270. doi: 10.15252/embj.2019104270.
Liubomirski Y, Lerrer S, Meshel T, Morein D, Rubinstein-Achiasaf L, Sprinzak D, Wiemann S, Körner C, Ehrlich M, Ben-Baruch A.
Notch-Mediated Tumor-Stroma-Inflammation Networks Promote Invasive Properties and CXCL8 Expression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Front Immunol. 2019 Apr 24;10:804. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00804. eCollection 2019.
Binshtok U, Sprinzak D.
Modeling the Notch Response.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1066:79-98. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89512-3_5. Review.
Binshtok U, Sprinzak D.
The Domino Effect in EGFR-ERK Signaling.
Dev Cell. 2018 Jul 16;46(2):128-130. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.06.021.
Tetzlaff F, Adam MG, Feldner A, Moll I, Menuchin A, Rodriguez-Vita J, Sprinzak D, Fischer A.
MPDZ promotes DLL4-induced Notch signaling during angiogenesis.
Elife. 2018 Apr 5; 7. pii: e32860. doi: 10.7554/eLife.32860.
Nandagopal N, Santat LA, LeBon L, Sprinzak D, Bronner ME, Elowitz MB.
Dynamic Ligand Discrimination in the Notch Signaling Pathway.
Cell. 2018 Feb 8; 172(4):869-880.e19. doi: Epub 2018 Feb 1.
Shilo BZ, Sprinzak D.
The lipid-binding side of Notch ligands.
EMBO J. 2017 Aug 1; 36(15):2182-2183. doi: 10.15252/embj.201797621. Epub 2017 Jul 14.
Loza O, Heemskerk I, Gordon-Bar N, Amir-Zilberstein L, Jung Y, Sprinzak D.
A Synthetic Planar Cell Polarity System Reveals Localized Feedback on Fat4-Ds1 Complexes.
Elife. 2017 Aug 18;6:e24820. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24820.
Kovall RA, Gebelein B, Sprinzak D, Kopan R.
The Canonical Notch Signaling Pathway: Structural and Biochemical Insights into Shape, Sugar, and Force.
Dev Cell. 2017 May 8;41(3):228-241. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.04.001.
Shaya O, Binshtok U, Hersch M, Rivkin D, Weinreb S, Amir-Zilberstein L, Khamaisi B, Oppenheim O, Desai RA, Goodyear RJ, Richardson GP, Chen CS, Sprinzak D.
Cell-Cell Contact Area Affects Notch Signaling and Notch-Dependent Patterning.
Dev Cell. 2017 Mar 13;40(5):505-511.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.02.009.
Wieland E, Rodriguez-Vita J, Liebler SS, Mogler C, Moll I, Herberich SE, Espinet E, Herpel E, Menuchin A, Chang-Claude J, Hoffmeister M, Gebhardt C, Brenner H, Trumpp A, Siebel CW, Hecker M, Utikal J, Sprinzak D, Fischer A.
Endothelial Notch1 Activity Facilitates Metastasis
Cancer Cell. 2017 Mar 13;31(3):355-367. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.01.007
Khait I, Orsher Y, Golan O, Binshtok U, Gordon-Bar N, Amir-Zilberstein L, Sprinzak D.
Quantitative Analysis of Delta-like 1 Membrane Dynamics Elucidates the Role of Contact Geometry on Notch Signaling
Cell Rep. 2016 Jan 12;14(2):225-33. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.12.040
Bhonker Y, Abu-Rayyan A, Ushakov K, Amir-Zilberstein L, Shivatzki S, Yizhar-Barnea O, Elkan-Miller T, Tayeb-Fligelman E, Kim SM, Landau M, Kanaan M, Chen P, Matsuzaki F, Sprinzak D, Avraham KB.
The GPSM2/LGN GoLoco motifs are essential for hearing
Mamm Genome. 2016 Feb;27(1-2):29-46. doi: 10.1007/s00335-015-9614-7
Golan T, Messer AR, Amitai-Lange A, Melamed Z, Ohana R, Bell RE, Kapitansky O, Lerman G, Greenberger S, Khaled M, Amar N, Albrengues J, Gaggioli C, Gonen P, Tabach Y,Sprinzak D, Shalom-Feuerstein R, Levy C..
Interactions of Melanoma Cells with Distal Keratinocytes Trigger Metastasis via Notch Signaling Inhibition of MITF
Mol Cell. 2015 Aug 20;59(4):664-76. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.06.028
Yaron T., Cordova Y., Sprinzak D.
Juxtacrine Signaling Is Inherently Noisy.
Biophys J. 2014 Nov 18;107(10):2417-24. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2014.10.006.
LeBon L, Lee TV, Jafar-Nejad H, Sprinzak D, Elowitz MB.
Fringe proteins modulate Notch-ligand cis and trans interactions to specify signaling states.
Elife. 2014 Sep 25;3. doi: 10.7554/eLife.02950.
Jones C, Qian D, Kim SM, Li S, Ren D, Knapp L, Sprinzak D, Avraham KB, Matsuzaki F, Chi F, Chen P.
Ankrd6 is a mammalian functional homolog of Drosophila planar cell polarity gene diego and regulates coordinated cellular orientation in the mouse inner ear.
Dev Biol. 2014 Sep 10. pii: S0012-1606(14)00420-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.08.029.
Formosa-Jordan P, Sprinzak D.
Modeling Notch signaling: a practical tutorial.
Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1187:285-310. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1139-4_22.
A. Yaron, D. Sprinzak.
The cis side of juxtacrine signaling: a new role in the development of the nervous system.
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O. Shaya, D. Sprinzak.
From Notch signaling to fine-grained patterning: Modeling meets experiments.
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D. Sprinzak, A. Lakhanpal, L. LeBon, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, M. B. Elowitz.
Mutual inactivation of Notch receptors and ligands facilitates developmental patterning
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D. Sprinzak, A. Lakhanpal, L. LeBon, L. A. Santat, M. E. Fontes, G. A. Anderson, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, M. B. Elowitz.
Cis interactions between Notch and Delta generate mutually exclusive signaling states
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D. Sprinzak and M. Elowitz.
Reconstruction of genetic circuits
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S. Thiberge, A. Nechushtan, D. Sprinzak, O. Gileadi, V. Behar, O. Zik, Y. Chowers, S. Michaeli, J. Schlessinger, E. Moses.
Scanning electron microscopy of cells and tissues under fully hydrated conditions
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Mar 9;101(10):3346-51. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0400088101
Roie Cohen, David Sprinzak
Mechanical forces shaping the development of the inner ear.
Biophys J. 2021 Oct 5. doi:
Huycke TR, Miller BM, Gill HK, Nerurkar NL, Sprinzak D, Mahadevan L, Tabin CJ.
Genetic and Mechanical Regulation of Intestinal Smooth Muscle Development.
Cell. 2019 Sep 19;179(1):90-105.e21. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.041.
Cohen R, Amir-Zilberstein L, Hersch M, Woland S, Loza O, Taiber S, Matsuzaki F, Bergmann S, Avraham KB, Sprinzak D.
Mechanical forces drive ordered patterning of hair cells in the mammalian inner ear.
Nat Commun 11, 5137 (2020).
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